Whenever you are creating a new account on any website, your web browser is asking you whether you would like to save the data needed for logging into that account. This seems convenient as you will not have to remember this information, at least, if you are planning to access the account from the same device and browser.
Unfortunately, there is a whole range of weak points about saving your passwords on browsers. This article will tell you about some of them.
Safety issues
For many people it is obvious that keeping passwords within a browser is not safe, however, there are still many people who are not aware of it.
First of all, keeping a password saved on the website will allow anyone enter your account without any difficulties if one he or she gets access to your computer. It is also possible to get the password through the settings of a web browser. Finally, there are special extensions which can easily show hidden symbols of a password.
Different browsers are not synchronised
Fortunately, modern web browsers have a function of synchronisation which is very convenient as it allows one to keep logging data regardless of the device they are using. Browsers are keeping such information in the database and it can be retrieved even if you are switching to another device.
Still, there is a crucial condition which has to be met in order to make it possible. In order to keep such data synchronised, you will have to use the same browser on all of your devices. If it is true in your case, then there is no problem in synchronising the information required for accessing your account. Unfortunately, it will not be possible if the browsers you are using on your devices are different.
Browsers do not have a function of sharing passwords
Sometimes you actually want to share your passwords, albeit you want to do it in a safe way. If you are using just your browser for saving passwords, you will not be able to do it in any other way than just giving access to your account to another person. Browsers are also not equipped into sharing logging data in case of emergency which unfortunately can happen with anyone. If one does not share logging data to some important accounts, no one will be able to access them if something happens to this person.
Limited assistance on creating passwords
Needless to say, creating passwords itself is crucial. Usually, browsers will not assist you one the complexity of your password which is actually crucial as it will determine the safety of your account. Even though you might come across such assistance, in such a case it is provided by a website itself rather than your browser.
When it comes to saving a password through the browser itself, it will save anything you insert even if it is obviously an extremely poor password. In addition to it, the majority of online browsers do not have a function of generating random passwords.
Saved passwords on browsers are kept by a third party
It is crucial to understand that all the saved passwords on your browser are kept on the servers of the companies owning these browsers. Even though the passwords are encrypted, they are still shared with third parties. If you are really interested in keeping your personal data confidential, you might not be willing to use such an option for keeping your logging data.
I guess still better than using the same password everywhere, but defienietly not a good idea if you don’t remember passwords.